The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has launched a new national campaign, at the end of February aimed at raising awareness of CQC among people choosing adult social care, for themselves or others. CQC wants more people to be aware that if you are choosing home care or a care home, CQC can help you make that decision. CQC also wants to encourage more people to download its independent reports to compare options before choosing a care home.
A consumer survey they recently commissioned has highlighted that choosing adult social care in England, whether that’s choosing a care home or a provider to arrange care in the home, is one of the biggest sources of stress compared to other key life events.
Key messages
The key messages they want to communicate through this campaign are:
• Your experience of choosing care should be as positive as possible and there is support out there
• CQC can help make the process of choosing care less stressful
• If you’re looking for care, the free CQC inspection reports can help you make an informed decision
For further information, visit: and see the CQC Adult Social Care campaign: Stakeholder Toolkit attached.