On 29 March the Care Quality Commission (CQC)launched a campaign to encourage older people and their loved ones to feedback about the quality of health and social care they have received.
CQC are encouraging older people to feedback on their care, as research has shown that older people are far less likely to complain about services and are less aware of the ways they can share their views.
As part of the campaign, the CQC have spoken with older people and their loved ones about their experiences of care – good and bad – and their experiences will be at the centre of the campaign.
It is hoped that these stories will encourage more people to share their experiences with CQC. The CQC inspectors can’t be everywhere at once and their information will help inspectors decide when, where and what service to inspect and it could stop poor care from happening to someone else in the future.
For further information, visit: www.cqc.org.uk/careforolderpeople, or email: [email protected]