Carers Network Co-ordinator Grant

As part of its continued commitment to support carers, Manchester City Council is aiming to provide investment in 2016/17 through the Directorate for Children and Families Carers Funding programme.

This investment will assist in carers being identified early and the provision of support to enable the carers to maintain a balance between their caring responsibilities and a life outside caring, whilst enabling the person they support to be a full and equal citizen.

There are currently 19 organisations funded by the Council to provide support to carers. The role of the network co-ordinator will be to work with these organisations to improve services across the city for carers.

Manchester City Council are seeking applications for funding from Voluntary and Community Sector services / organisations who would be able to be pro-active in leading and co-ordinating carers’ activity and support in the city, ensuring all carers are signposted to the right support at the right time, which fits into the Care Act requirements, where carers have access to quality information, advice and support; and receive services that prevent, reduce and delay needs for care and support.
They would be responsible for progressing, in conjunction with carers organisations across the city, an action plan to improve services for carers across the city in line with the Care Act 2014.

Applications for funding can be from a consortium or individual organisations, but they must be based in Manchester and working with Manchester people.

Applications from groups working together in a partnership will require one organisation acting as the lead, accountable organisation.

There is £100,000 funding for the Carers Network Co-ordinator grant which will run from decision award to 31 March 2017.

Deadline: Tuesday 15 March 2016, 12:00