Cash Grants 2014/2015 Didsbury East and Didsbury West wards

The new Cash Grants Programme for 2014-15 has now been launched. This funding is available to spend on projects in the ward that meet identified local priorities. The Cash Grant Fund is here to help your good ideas take root and grow.

The Fund is open to formal established groups, voluntary groups and other community groups, as well as groups of residents working together for the first time. School Parent Teacher Associations can also apply if they have the support of local residents and parents and their project will benefit the wider community and not just the school.

Applications will be expected to:
• Provide local community benefit
• Contribute to delivering ward priorities
• Show commitment to equality of opportunity and inclusion
• Represent value for money
• Be managed on a voluntary basis
• Meet a genuine need

There will be three review dates with the initial review date of the 31 August to look at any applications that have been submitted.

For further information, contact Pamela Williams, Regeneration Ward Officer Didsbury West, on 0161 234 1442, or email: [email protected]