Celebrating participation in healthcare grants

NHS England is committed to involving patients and public in their work. As part of its commitment they want to share and learn from good practice. NHS England is seeking to make a number of grant awards to enable the showcasing of good practice around patient and public involvement.

Has your community group done some amazing patient, service user or carer engagement work? Has this work improved healthcare services?

NHS England will be making grant awards to a number of projects that showcase good practice around patient and citizen participation in healthcare.

The community grants will be awarded to organisations who can tell the story of the patient and citizen engagement work in a creative and appealing way. This can be in a wide variety of ways; such as producing videos, photo or audio books, leaflets and posters, graphics or comics.

Grants are available of up to £1,000 each, the total funds available are £15,000.
The grants can only be awarded to a voluntary organisation.

The funding is available to support your group to tell us about your good practice in a creative way. The good practice you want to share must focus on how involving citizens and/or patients or carers have already made improvements to health care services.

You can use the award to fund a really creative way to tell people about your good practice. You could do this in a variety of ways, for example make a film, a cartoon, use plasticine figures (animation style!), film yourselves and your group, or film a song or play or develop an audio book or make a series of posters.

NHS England want to support a diverse range of projects, and are looking to make awards to projects that deliver the outcomes in a range of ways and cover a number of subject areas.

Who is eligible to apply?
Applications are encouraged from a wide range of community groups, voluntary sector or patient organisations, and not for profit organisations

For further information and to apply, visit: www.engage.england.nhs.uk/survey/community-grant-application, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Wednesday 21 September 2016