The biggest beer and cider festival in the North is hoping to attract a new charity partner for 2018 and 2019.
And the ability to scoop up loose change from festivalgoers across the huge floorspace of Manchester Central is not the only opportunity offered by organisers of the Manchester Beer and Cider Festival. The chosen charity will have a guaranteed income from a share of programme sales as well as a free promotional stand to increase awareness. The festival will feature the charity extensively across its website, posters and social media. In return, the charity will need to provide enough trained volunteers to enrich the experience of the expected 15,000 visitors.
Although charities are encouraged to seek sponsorship for their activities, the festival can also provide introductions to corporate supporters.
The festival has grown consistently and for 2017 will offer 30% more floorspace – and more seating – than ever before. It is organised by the combined expertise of the eight Greater Manchester CAMRA branches. Offering nineteen separate bars, it has become an essential entry in most beer lovers’ calendars.
Organiser Graham Donning said: “Although we want applications in a couple of months time, the 2017 festival in January gives potential partners to visit and see for themselves the size and scope of the event. We have had some great charities in the past – all have told us festivalgoers are a generous lot. We provide some guaranteed opportunities to raise money, but we are particularly interested to attract a partner with some innovative ideas which add to our festival.”
Charities are invited to contact the festival organiser outlining their charitable aims, the number of volunteers they would expect to assist the festival, examples of similar events they have participated in and suggestions for activities they would be willing to run. Applications should be sent to [email protected] by 1 March 2017. The successful partner can expect to be chosen at the festival’s review meeting that month.
Manchester Beer and Cider Festival runs from Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 January 2017.
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