Clean-up your community with a £200 grant

Manchester City Council are offering grants of up to £200 to help clean-up areas across Manchester.

Grants are available to help you to run regular clean-ups and, or greening events in the area in which you live. Please note grants will only be awarded for clean-up projects taking place within the Manchester boundaries.

Discuss with your neighbours or group what event or activity you would like to do, and get quotes or costings for anything you might need.

Grants can be for tools, equipment, materials and any other reasonable costs for carrying out a clean-up project.

Who can apply?
Applications can be from a small group of neighbours, a community or ‘Friends of’ group, a resident association or schools who want to make a positive difference to where they live.

You need to arrange a bank account to pay the grant into. If your group doesn’t yet have a bank account, you can ask an established community group to act as a referee, and to receive and manage the funding on your behalf. If you don’t know such a group, email: [email protected] for advice.

Applications are open until 3 November 2014 - please note only one grant can be applied for by each group or organisation for events taking place from 1 April to 15 December 2014.

For further information and to apply, visit: