Collaborating for Better Health – Join Midlife Runners CIC in Tackling Inactivity in Manchester

The mission of Midlife Runners CIC is to encourage people between 40-60 to adopt running as a way of life.

midlife runnersMidlife Runners CIC are looking for partners to work with them to help tackle inactivity in Manchester. Midlife Runners CIC believe their work is unique, and they have a proven track record helping fight inactivity and improving people’s lives. Midlife Runners CIC are looking for partners to work with them.

The story so far by Raji. Founder of Midlfie Runners CIC
“I know the power that running can have. It offers numerous mental and physical health benefits that improve the overall quality of life, boost self-confidence, and encourage healthy ageing.

I started running in my forties with no running experience whatsoever. I have seen positive changes in my physical fitness, mental alertness, and creativity and much happier. I became a fitness and nutrition coach and qualified to become a British Athletics running coach because of my passion for running and the benefits it provides.  

Running is proven to help people develop self-confidence, boost physical and mental health, and improve wellbeing. According to government data, people aged 45-74 are more likely to be overweight or obese than others. In addition, an inactive lifestyle is linked to higher mortality rates, chronic diseases, and reduced quality of life.

Therefore, I founded Midlife Runners CIC to make a positive difference to people aged 40 to 60 by encouraging them to adopt running as a way of life.”

What Midlfie Runners CIC do
Midlfie Runners CIC offer running mentoring and coaching services for aspirational runners, beginner runners wanting to lose weight, and running for weight loss. Through research and trail programmes, Midlfie Runners CIC have crafted and customised their services for their target age group.

In the short term, the coaching will help individuals improve their running technique, increase their endurance, and prevent injuries. In the longer term, their coaching will help individuals maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic illnesses, improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and boost mental health and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

An ask: Launching the Pilot Program ‘8-Week Gentle Beginners’
Midlfie Runners CIC are asking for people to help to launch the pilot program, '8-Week Gentle Beginners', by spreading the word and referring anyone they know who might be interested in participating. Midlfie Runners CIC are looking for individuals or organisations who can help to reach a wider audience and get more people involved in their program and also collaborate with them longer term. In line with their mission to encourage midlife men and women to adopt running as a way of life this program is designed specifically for individuals who are new to running or who may have physical limitations.

Starting on 14 May 2023 at Woodheys Park, Sale Midlfie Runners CIC are seeking the help of partners in the health and wellbeing space to enrol participants in the Manchester area. Midlfie Runners CIC aim to have a diverse group of participants who may have varying levels of fitness, health conditions or injuries. Midlfie Runners CIC aim to provide each participant with individualised coaching and mentoring to help them achieve their fitness goals.

The program includes virtual and in-person coaching sessions, regular check-ins, and personalised training plans. This program will help participants improve their physical health and enhance their mental wellbeing, confidence and sense of community.

Midlfie Runners CIC are inviting health and wellbeing partners to collaborate to enrol participants for this pilot program. Together a positive difference can be made in the lives of midlife men and women in Greater Manchester.

If you would like to help here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Refer people to the program: If you know anyone who might be interested in participating in the program refer them to the program. Learn more sign up to the pilot Gentle Beginners Program or email: [email protected]
  • Share the program on social media: Facebook: MidlifeRunCoach, Instagram: @midliferunmentor
  • Collaborate: If you are an organisation or individual who shares the mission to promote health and wellbeing, email: [email protected] or phone 0779 309 7583 or book a time to chat via Calendly