Commonplace are Crowdfunding

Manchester social enterprise, Commonplace, are crowdfunding to convert the interior of their double decker bus to make it a flexible and beautiful event space for the people of Manchester. Commonplace

Commonplace is a mobile community event space housed in a double decker bus, which was donated to them by Stagecoach Manchester in 2016. Since May this year they have worked with local community groups and social enterprises to host pop-up events which have included dinners, creative workshops and even spas!

The next stage of their development includes the conversion of the interior space, which would include installation of heating, electricity and the addition of beautiful furnishings. They will be running public workshops taught by talented local makers to produce some of the fittings including stools, coat hooks and soft furnishings.

To kick start the process they are hoping to raise £5,500 which would pay for the initial design work and the first public workshop.

You can pledge to the campaign here:

They have some fantastic incentives, including a photoshoot in the driver's seat (complete with hat!) and a private dinner party on the bus for 10 people, cooked by Real Junk Food Project Manchester.

Follow their journey on Twitter and Facebook @commonplaceuk and share their campaign using #getonboard.