Community grants of up to £2000 to highlight patient and public participation in the voluntary sector – apply now

NHS England’s ‘celebrating participation in healthcare’ community grants scheme is open for applications for the third year. Grants of up to £2000 are available to voluntary/community organisations to showcase how they have been involving patients, service-users and the public in improving health services.  NHS England

To apply you must be a voluntary or community organisation and be able to share your project successes in a creative way.

Has your voluntary/community group done some amazing patient, service-user or carer engagement work that’s improved healthcare services?

If so NHS England wants you to tell them about it. NHS England are awarding grants of up to £2,000 to a number of projects that showcase good practice around patient and citizen participation in healthcare.

In your application you will need to tell them about how you have involved patients and citizens in a healthcare project, and how you plan to use the grant to share and showcase your work in a creative way.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected].

Deadline: Tuesday 31October 2017