The Community Justice Fund is a joint initiative to help specialist social welfare legal advice organisations cope with the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lay the foundations for longer-term renewal.
Dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 is a defining moment in work to bring about a more just and fair society. A group of independent funders working in partnership with key representative umbrella bodies, have formed an alliance for social justice to create the Community Justice Fund. This fund will support the key role that specialist social welfare legal advice agencies play in providing essential support to people and communities now and as we plan for life after the crisis.
The Community Justice Fund is a joint initiative between Advice UK, Law Centres Network and Citizens Advice and a group of independent funders (the AB Charitable Trust, Access to Justice Foundation, Indigo Trust, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, The Legal Education Foundation and Therium Access). It is hosted by The Access to Justice Foundation.
Grant size: The size of grant awarded will depend on a number of factors including the size of your organisation and the cost and scale of the support needed. The fund anticipates making grants in the range £25,000 - £75,000, but may be able to make larger grants in certain circumstances.
Grants will be made in two waves.
Wave one is open now and will provide flexible grants to organisations that meet the eligibility criteria and priorities. Grants can be used towards the costs of your work from 1 April 2020.
Wave two will, subject to fundraising, open in autumn this year and provide flexible grants in support of the aims, responding to ongoing needs and building on the promising work arising out of wave one.
For more information and to apply click here
Deadline: 18 September 2020, 5pm