Connecting Communities in Summer 2022

Forever Manchester is offering 200 awards of £100, to help community groups across Greater Manchester get together and connect with their neighbours and communities over summer.

fundingWhether you want to hold a street party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, a summer holiday family picnic in the park, an afternoon tea to celebrate the summer solstice, or anything else you can think of that will bring people together and put a smile on their faces, Forever Manchester is offering awards of £100 to help.

Applicants must be from a community organisation with their own bank account, or know a community organisation willing to accept an award on your behalf. Funds cannot be paid into personal bank accounts.

Organisations who have recently received an award from Forever Manchester through the Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will not be eligible to apply on this occasion.

Activities must take place between 1 June and 31 August 2022.

Apply here

Deadline: 20 May 2022, 12pm

If more eligible applications than there are awards available, priority will firstly be given to organisations with an income of £10,000 or less and final awards will then be allocated via a draw.