Coronavirus impact survey results

Charities reported that they expect a 42% increase in demand for their services but a 48% decline in voluntary income, according to new research published on 30 March.

The survey, by the Institute of Fundraising in partnership with CFG and National Council for Voluntary Organisations includes data from over 500 charities on the impact of the crisis on their organisations. The data in the survey was analysed by PwC and the results reflect the urgent new situation charities face as they re-forecast their income and take steps to respond to the huge challenges they face.

Key findings summary:

  • Charities are reporting a projected loss of 48% to their voluntary income, and a third wiped off from their total income
  • 52% of charities have reduced existing or previous levels of service, with a further 12% intending to in the future
  • 83% say that the most important thing for their organisation’s sustainability over the coming 3 to 6 months is access to emergency grant funding
  • 84% of charities think their organisation could play a role in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, with the majority saying that government funding was needed to help them to do so
  • 91% of charities surveyed have already or expect to have their cash flow disrupted, with 62% indicating that these would result in reduced charitable activity

Charity leaders warned last week that charities across the country are facing imminent collapse as fundraising income dries up. Charities have been in conversation with the government about a package of support for the charity sector, but warned again today that without an urgent injection of money that is swift, simple and substantial many charities of all sizes would start to close their doors as soon as this week. With fundraising events cancelled and public fundraising activity postponed for the foreseeable future, a significant proportion of the income charities rely on to deliver their work has been lost.

To read the survey results click here