Based in a former Sunday school in Chorlton South Manchester, The Edge is a little theatre with big aspirations. Launched in 2011 with award winning actors Julie Hesmondhalgh and Mark Rylance as its Patrons, the 70 seat venue is both a receiving and a producing house, with a particular interest in theatre for children, musical theatre and new writing.
The Edge are committed to developing new audiences and run a comprehensive participatory programme alongside professional theatre provision. The Edge also houses an established amateur theatre company and a range of ways for the local community to get involved in theatre and the arts
Courses and classes coming up include:
The Sing
Tuesday evenings, 7.30pm -9.30pm
Drop In, £6 per session
Want to sing great songs in good company? Come and have fun, learn new songs, enjoy singing old ones, meet new people, improve your heart, lungs and emotional well being.
Ukulele Club
Wednesday Evenings
6.30pm – 7.45pm: Uke for Beginners
If you’ve grasped the basics of ukulele playing but want to improve your confidence, then this session is for you. Each class will go over simple arrangements of popular songs and give you handy tips and helpful playing techniques.
8pm – 9.15pm Ukulele Orchestra
If you’ve been uke-ing out in your bedroom and have a good knowledge of the instrument then this session is for you. In each class you will be learning arrangements of popular tunes for the ukulele and forming an ukulele orchestra.
Course fee: £72
Introduction to Acting
Wednesday evenings: 7.30pm – 9.30pm beginning on 21 January
The sessions will be run by The Edge Theatre and Arts Centre Artistic Director Janine Waters.
Beginners – Intermediate
Course fee: £75
Chorlton Alternative Arts
Wednesday evenings: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Providing a drop-in class for South Manchester specialising in still life drawing, theatrical drawing, performance drawing, photography and more. A peer-led group with occasional guest tutors. All levels welcome.
£6 drop-in – all materials and paper providedMovie Moves
Thursday evenings: 7pm – 8.30 pm
Learn to dance like you’re in the Movies
This course is for all abilities and will teach the basics of a number of different genres, including the steps you’ve seen in Flashdance, Saturday Night Fever, Cabaret and many more – including The Timewarp . Dance tutor, Genevieve Estevez-Baker will teach you how to dance whilst giving you an opportunity to meet new people, keep fit and have a great laugh.
Course fee: £60
For further information and to get involved, visit:, or contact 0161 282 9776