Courses and workshops at the Boiler House

The Boiler House is a centre for making and mending. The Boiler House aim to provide free and low-cost use of tools, equipment and space for people and be a catalyst for people to reach their potential. The Boiler House run a variety of community workshops, providing skills for employment, improving health and wellbeing, developing a circular economy, and promoting gender and race equality.

Upcoming courses
Mushroom Growing Course: 18 April 2024, 10am-2pm (4 weeks)

Find out how to grow your own delicious edible mushrooms at home in a brand-new mushroom lab. The main topics of the course include an induction to the mushroom lab, fungi and their life cycle, common growing techniques, growing mediums and their prep, cloning and transfer techniques, log cultivation, Introduction to mycelium-based materials. Participants can make their own mushroom bags to take home. sessions take place every Thursday over a four-week period. To book a place on this course you must be currently our of employment or low waged. Register here

Volunteer Fridays 10am-3.30pm
Volunteering put simply is helping out, lending a hand, giving time to help others. It is an amazing opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and get involved in your community or in the life of the city. Anyone can volunteer at the Boiler House, there are a diversity of opportunities for people who want to get involved including organic gardening, growing mushrooms in the lab, and recycling and up-cycling plastic. Whether you're looking for something specific, would like to support a cause you really care about, or you are taking your first steps into the world of volunteering, register here
Community Repaint Sale Tuesday-Friday, 9am-5pm
The Community Repaint Shop is closing at the end of April, the Boiler House are having a sale on the remaining paint - 5L for £9.60 and 2.5L for £4.20. There are also a mixture of half tins that will be even cheaper. There is a mix of vinyl matt, vinyl silk as well as masonry paint.
Manchester Bike shop – Free bike repair Fridays and Saturdays, 10am-3.30pm
The Bike Shop is offering a free repair, this can be one of the following items: puncture repairs, tyre replacements, brake adjustments or gear tuning. Book here for a repair. Any additional repairs will be chargeable but at a very low cost, you can check the price with the mechanic before anything is agreed. They also sell preloved bikes at a very reasonable price with children’s bikes starting from £20 and adults from £40.

Woodworking Group Mondays and Fridays 9.30am-1pm
A woodworking class combining set projects and personal projects, led by a qualified joiner can be an excellent way to learn and improve your woodworking skills. There will be set projects that are designed to teach you the fundamentals of woodworking. These projects may include making simple items like a cutting board, planters or a shelving unit. As you work on these set projects, you'll have the opportunity to develop your skills in measuring, cutting, shaping, and joining wood. You'll also learn about various woodworking tools and their proper use. The sessions are free and open to everyone, no previous experience is required.

Repair Café Last Saturday of the month 10am-12pm
A Repair Café is a meeting place open to everyone, where people can bring damaged or broken items (electrical items, clothes, furniture, bikes) and have experts help to fix them for free. You don’t need to be ‘handy’, just turn up on the day with your broken item. It’s not just about fixing things it’s about reducing waste and building a community. We are also looking for people to volunteer at our Repair Café who are passionate about repairing electrical items and have a good understanding of the process. If this sounds like you, please get in touch!

Precious plastics
The Precious Plastic project, uses machines and tools which grind, melt, and inject plastic, allowing for the creation of new products on a small scale at the Boiler House. 100% recycled plastic is always used, and new products can be designed and manufactured using the equipment. Help by setting up a plastic waste collection point in your home, school, or workspace. The Boiler House are currently collecting bottle tops/cap (type 2) and DVD cases (type 5). If you bring a bag full of either of these types of plastic, you will be a plastic champion and receive a Boiler House notebook!

Fond Ceramic Studio Various dates/ times prices starting from £20
Fond Ceramic Studio is a small, community-focused ceramics studio based within the Boiler House. The intention of the studio is to create a welcoming, creative space for ceramic education and practice. Over the past several years Meg has built and developed skills in the facilitation of clay workshops, and believes there is great importance in the social and health benefits of bringing people together in creative practice Regular workshops happen weekly and are bookable through the here. Classes are open to everyone ages 14+

For more information visit:
