The Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) is an innovative capacity and grant funding programme which helps to build capable communities.
The national scheme provides voluntary sector organisations (VSOs) with a grant and capacity building support to:
• Collaborate: deliver a strategic project that plays an effective and integrated role in addressing health, public health and social care needs in conjunction with commissioners
• Innovate: test out a new area of work delivered by their volunteers
• Develop: support the Strategic Vision for Volunteering by investing resources in volunteer support and management systems
The Department of Health are looking for project applications which are under one of the following themes:
Theme 1: Increasing User Voice to Improve Quality of Care
Theme 2: Community Based Health and Care Interventions
Theme 3: Improving Public Health through Prevention and Risk Reduction
Theme 4: Improving Management of Chronic and Long Term Conditions
Theme 5: Building Capable Communities
The Fund seeks projects that are strategic and developmental, have something distinctive and different to offer over existing services, and for their potential to develop new and / or streamlined systems in health, public health and social care volunteering. Grants will not be provided to projects that simply aim to supply additional core services, or request funding for existing services or continuation funding.
Projects must have a clear focus on how they would support and drive forward new ideas in delivering services to communities that add value to existing local statutory services and local health and social care provision. The fund will seek projects that have something special to offer over existing services, and for their potential to develop new and / or streamlined systems in health, public health and social care volunteering.
What funding is available?
• A total grant award of between £50,000 and £200,000 is available per year over a maximum of 3 funding years (subject to annual parliamentary approval). Funding for 1 and 2 year projects is also available
• The maximum amount available per year is also dependent on the applicant organisation's yearly income, as the HSCVF grant must be 25% (one quarter) or less than the organisation’s income each year
Who can apply?
To apply to our programme you must be either:
• A constituted voluntary sector organisation (VSO) or
• A partnership consortia of locality-based VSOs. (VSOs include co-operatives, mutuals and other not-for profit organisations with social aims.)
Application Process
The registration portal opens week commencing 12 August and will close on noon 27 September 2013.
The application portal opens on 1 October and the deadline will be noon on 8 November 2013.
For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0845 172 8058 or email: [email protected]