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Developing Trauma Informed and Trauma Responsive Communities

3 Feb 2022 - 14:55 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Local Care Organisation and Manchester Population Health team are looking to commission a voluntary sector organisation to support the ambition to make Manchester a trauma informed and trauma responsive City. A City with a co-ordinated approach to reducing exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences, where there is a shared understanding within communities fundingaround the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of trauma; and how we can improve outcomes for residents by working in a trauma responsive way, helping children, families, and communities to build resilience.

£50,000 is available to be focused on the following:

  • Communication across neighbourhood VCSE workforce, volunteers and residents regarding trauma responsive practice
  • Facilitating the engagement across a range of sectors and neighbourhoods in the development of an awareness of ACEs; and an understanding of what it means to be trauma informed and trauma responsive
  • Coordinating involvement in training, development and awareness raising opportunities
  • Supporting VCSE organisations and residents to develop trauma informed community networks
  • Supporting providers in implementing trauma responsive approaches into core delivery

The geographical area of focus is:

  • Cheetham and Crumpsall neighbourhood
  • Miles Platting, Newton Heath, Moston and City Centre neighbourhood
  • Ancoats, Clayton and Bradford neighbourhood

The successful applicant will be expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Already based in the North Manchester locality, with evidence of existing work with communities in this geography
  • Use networks to engage VCSE organisations and communities in conversation regarding ACE’s
  • Support the delivery of training, development and awareness raising activities on ACEs and trauma, both online and face to face across Manchester, including arranging sessions, operating a booking system/recording attendance and delivering on training
  • Where appropriate develop resources that have been co-designed with organisations and communities
  • Offer focus groups and workshop activities with organisations and communities to develop and implement Trauma Informed Practice
  • Work with other voluntary sector providers and community groups to facilitate wellbeing activities that mitigate against the effects of trauma
  • Provide quarterly progress reports to the Population Health team
  • Be involved in evaluating the impact of the work with the MCC ACEs and Trauma Programme Lead and Project Manager.

It is anticipated that delivery of the work will begin in April 2022 and run until December 2023.

Download an expression of interest

Expressions of interest should be emailed to Gareth Nixon at: [email protected] by 22 February 2022

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