Do you have a busy Community Centre or building which is used by Manchester residents? Would you like to be a host to a buzz Wellbeing Advisor?

buzz, your Manchester Health and Wellbeing Service aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Manchester and to help individuals and families live fuller, healthier, happier and longer lives.

As experts in health improvement and self-care, buzz have the knowledge and expertise to offer the right advice and guidance to help put a spring into people’s lives offering one to one support, training and working alongside other key health initiatives and partners in the area.

buzz can help your clients with:
• Drugs
• Housing
• Debt Advice
• Dental Health
• Sexual Health
• Healthy Eating
• Increasing Physical Activity
• Stopping Smoking and Alcohol
• Isolation, Loneliness and Friendship
• Managing a Long Term Health Condition
• Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you're over 40 you may be at risk of heart disease, diabetes or dementia a free NHS Health Check can help you reduce these risks and make sure you stay healthy. To be eligible for a free NHS Health Check you must be aged 40-74, registered with a GP in Manchester and not on a disease register for a pre-existing health condition, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. For more information visit

Wellbeing Advisors are self-sufficient and can talk through Health and Wellbeing issues with your clients. If you would like to host a Wellbeing Advisor for a morning or a full day, email Mark Pritchard at: [email protected] to arrange a visit.

Alternatively, clients can be referred straight to the services online:, or by contacting the team at Fallowfield Library on 0161 248 1767 or Victoria Mill on 0161 882 2583.

For more information on the full range of services, visit:, or follow on Twitter @buzzmanc.