Doing digital in later life: a practical guide

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Good Things Foundation have joined forces to produce a brand-new practical guide to support more people to get online and benefit from doing image: doing digital in later lifedigital in later life.

Research shows that the thought of getting online can be intimidating for people in later life & they may need support and guidance from someone close to them to do so. 93,000 over 75s are digital excluded in Greater Manchester with a third never having used the internet. Research shows that the pandemic hasn’t led to a big rise in over 75s going online.

That is why this new guide has been designed for anyone from relatives and friends to carers and front-line workers to help them get started and support someone they know to do digital in later life. The content has been produced with organisations supporting older people in Greater Manchester and with input from older people. It also recognises the wider digital and technological exclusion many over 75s experience, such as those unable to heat food because their microwave is so complicated, or to use their digital central heating systems so are carrying a portable heater from room to room.

Download doing digital in later life: a practical guide

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