Domestic abuse safe accommodation: COVID-19 emergency support fund reopened

gov.ukA remaining £1.85 million is now open for bids on a rolling ‘first comes first served’ basis until 20 July.

This will ensure domestic abuse safe accommodation charities and other service providers can continue applying for support during COVID-19, and keep this critical provision open for victims and their children.

The Fund will support domestic abuse safe accommodation charities and will help ensure that:

  1. Safe accommodation services can continue operating and keep bedspaces open for victims and their children fleeing from abuse during COVID-19 emergency
  2. Safe accommodation services can help more victims access these life-saving services

Within these aims, the Government also recognises the need to protect specialist provision supporting victims who share relevant protected characteristics and those with complex needs. The Government are determined to ensure that funding goes to protect those specialist services who need additional support.


  • Applicants must be charities providing domestic abuse safe accommodation services in England, who meet the definition of being a charitable, benevolent or philanthropic institution in the Charities Act 2006. This also includes any partners listed in consortium applications
  • Bid applications must be submitted by service providers of domestic abuse safe accommodation, or the lead applicant acting on behalf of a consortium
  • The fund aims to support safe accommodation services, including refuges

For more information and to apply click here or email: [email protected]