Dream Fund 2016 is now open for applications

The Dream Fund gives organisations the chance to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. The Postcode Dream Trust are asking charitable organisations across Great Britain to think big, be ambitious and collaborate with other not-for-profit partners to deliver their dream project.

Dream Fund 2016 will offer a total award fund of £2 million for charitable organisations to deliver their ‘dream’ project in the areas of Scotland, England or Wales in 2016-2018.

Charities will be able to apply for up to £1 million to deliver their dream project. There will be two or three awards in total. Successful projects will be announced in January 2016.

Funding themes
Registered charities and community organisations in Scotland, England or Wales can join forces to apply for up to £1 million to deliver a new and innovative project up to 24 months in length that meets one or more of the following funding themes:
• sports
• community development
• environmental protection
• health
• human rights
• prevention of poverty

• Applications must be innovative, creative and original, and present projects that are a genuine ‘dream’
• To address the challenges being faced by the charitable and voluntary sector, the Dream Fund encourages not-for-profit organisations to collaborate to deliver a more effective project. All applications must therefore come from at least two organisations that have joined forces to deliver an innovative project
• One of these organisations must be a registered charity, who will be considered the lead organisation for the project. The other partners can be charities, voluntary groups, community interest companies or other not-for-profit organisations
• Applications aren’t accepted from councils, local authorities or government/statutory bodies
• There are restrictions regarding the income levels of applicants. The lead partner in any application must have an annual income that is at least three times the amount being applied for
• Organisations can apply to deliver a project of up to 24 months in length. The minimum amount organisations may apply for is £400,000

Dream Fund 2016 has a three stage application process:
Stage 1
Applicants submit their proposal through a simple online application form by Tuesday 22 September, 5:30pm. Applicants should provide the following details:
• A brief description of the organisations who are partnering
• A project description
• Details of why the project is a ‘dream’ project
• The amount of funding requested

Stage 2
The most impressive, exciting and original projects will then be shortlisted and asked to apply via a formal online application form. Stage 2 will be open between 12 October 2015 and 30 October 2015.

Stage 3
Stage 2 applicants will then be shortlisted again and the very best entries will be asked to attend the Postcode Dream’s Trust offices in Edinburgh to give a formal presentation on their project to the Dream Fund judges on 7/8.December 2015.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.postcodedreamtrust.org.uk/dream-fund.htm, or email: [email protected]