Drug and Alcohol Services Consultation – Deadline 10 May

Following a reduction in Government funding for commissioning drug and alcohol services, Manchester City Council are proposing to assess the priority level of each service they commission with a view to achieving savings that have the least impact on treatment for drug and alcohol users in Manchester.

While Manchester City Council values the work of all partners in delivering drug and alcohol treatment services, it is inevitable that some services may no longer be commissioned following review. Manchester City Council would only consider ending a contract with a service once they had looked at the impact on clients, staff, and other stakeholders such as partner organisations.

Manchester City Council propose to evaluate the priority level of each service they commission by using five criteria to help them work out which services:
• Meet the Council's Public Health Objectives
• Engage with hard-to-reach and minority groups
• Perform to a high standard
• Offer a service that is not duplicated elsewhere
• Are the responsibility of another public body.

Services that score highly will be prioritised for future funding. The priority level will seek to ensure that any reduction in commissioning services will have the least impact on treatment for drug and alcohol users.

Priority 1: The service supports Manchester City Council's Public Health objectives
Priority 2: The service engages with hard-to-reach/minority groups
Priority 3: Performance
Priority 4: Duplication of provision
Priority 5: Area/scope of responsibility

Manchester City Council’s proposal for assessing services does not focus on any individual drug or alcohol service or its staff. Rather it looks at how resources are allocated overall in order to ensure Drugs and Alcohol Strategy Team (DAST) can assess the impact of any reduction in funding for any one type of service compared to any other and to ensure services continue to meet the Council's strategic priorities.

Once the process for assessing priority for funding is agreed, it is intended that DAST will review services with a view to commissioning those services from its reduced budget that best meet the needs of Manchester residents from June 2013. These decisions will be guided by the principles agreed following consultation that will indicate the level of priority given to each of the services Manchester City Council currently fund. Services that score highly will be prioritised for future funding.

For further information and to take part in the consultation, visit: www.manchester.gov.uk/info/200024/consultations/5938/drug_and_alcohol_services_consultation  

Deadline: Friday 10 May 2013