#DRYMESTER is a health awareness campaign commissioned by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, which seeks to highlight the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the impact of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). #DRYMESTER

#DRYMESTER encourages pregnant women or women planning a pregnancy to make every trimester a #DRYMESTER and follow new guidelines issued by the Department of Health (2016) – to keep risks to babies to a minimum, the safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all.

#DRYMESTER asks partners, family members or friends to get involved and show support by pledging to go alcohol free for one trimester each.

By championing the safest approach for women during pregnancy, #DRYMESTER hopes to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed within each trimester and with it, reduce the risk of FASD.

Show your support
Throughout May, June and July, the #DRYMESTER campaign will be sharing lots of information relating to drinking alcohol during pregnancy, the impact of FASD, and where mums-to-be can find the right support. Raise the profile of posts, tweets and blogs to help share the #DRYMESTER message and reduce the likelihood of children born with FASD.

Follow on social media: Facebook: @drymester_gmhsc, Instagram: @Drymester_GMHSC, Twitter: @DrymesterGMHSC