The Edge Post Covid-19 Revival Fund

the edge foundationThe Edge Post Covid-19 Revival Fund is a one-off fund with up to £250,000 of grant funding available. Applications are welcomed for grants of between £10,000 and £50,000.

The purpose of the fund is to address the educational challenges arising from the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis. The fund will be a responsive programme of grant funding, open to institutions and not-for-profit organisations working in the educational sector to support the development of projects and initiatives to revive education and support the sector to build back better.

Applications for funding are invited to support medium and long term projects addressing a post Covid-19 education scenario.

Projects must support at least one of Edge’s strategic priorities:

  • A broad, flexible and engaging education
  • High quality respected professional and vocational education
  • Education connected to employers and the community

And address at least one of the following issues or challenges arising from the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis:

  • How professional and vocational education, including apprenticeships, can be delivered and supported by online learning. This can include the development of online curriculum and resources; and/or how to deliver training in the use of online and remote learning for teaching professionals
  • How to deliver mentoring and support for students and/or apprentices whether studying within educational institutions, in the workplace or remotely
  • How to deliver and develop essential employability skills in young people when relationships with employers and the community may have been disrupted or otherwise affected by the Covid-19 crisis
  • How education, including apprenticeships, could be delivered differently or better following the Covid-19 crisis

For more information and to apply click here

Deadline: 9 July 2020, 12:00