Expressions of interest for Personal Health Budget (PHB) Support Planning and Brokerage

Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) is reviewing the Personal Health Budget (PHB) offer in Manchester including the Support Planning and Brokerage services that they use. Manchester Health and Care Commissioning

If you already provide support planning and brokerage services, MHCC would like to know who you are and what you can offer. Do you have an area of expertise? Are you based in Greater Manchester? What experience do you have of PHB’s and supporting individuals?

MHCC want to hear about how you or your organisation would like to support their PHB holders using a person centred approach.                                                                                                                                            

If you are interested in providing these services across the city of Manchester, email: [email protected]. The arrangement would be through a spot purchase agreement.

MHCC will be inviting interested individuals or organisations to come in for a chat over the next few weeks. This will be an opportunity for MHCC to share further information about providing a service for them and respond to any questions you may have.