Eyes Wide Open – A new project that challenges prejudice

The staff and students of Manchester Communication Academy have joined together with community members of Harpurhey and surrounding areas to develop a new project that challenges prejudice.

The project is called ‘Eyes Wide Open’, and in its first documentary film it embarks on a process of protecting the communities of North Manchester. It does this by inviting those who label the area and its residents as deprived and disadvantaged, to open their eyes and to take a closer look.

In the words of Laure Junot – ‘Prejudice squints when it looks, and lies when it talks.’

Prejudice materialises from one glance, prejudice resides when a person doesn’t care to look again.

The first short documentary focuses on eleven community members from North Manchester who dynamically address the prejudice targeted towards their lives and their area. They invite the viewer to look again, to rethink North Manchester and its residents.

To view the documentary, visit: www.mca4u.com