Festival of Trusteeship 2020

getting on boardTo celebrate Trustees Week (2 to 6 November 2020), Getting on Board are delighted to bring you their first ever Festival of Trusteeship.

It's for people who want to become trustees, trustees who want to keep learning and developing, and for charity leaders who want to understand best practice in trustee recruitment and diversity.

There will be an action-packed week of events, with workshops, Ted-style talks, networking events, Q&A clinics, and more.

If you want to learn about: youth leadership, anti-racism in the boardroom, anti-ageism, charity finances, ableism, how to recruit amazing candidates, anti-sexism, how to manage volunteers, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding for trustees, how to be a strategic force for change, what charitable impact is and how to drive it forwards as a trustee, and even more... join the Festival of Trusteeship.

For more information click here