First Steps – Grants to develop a community action plan

The First Steps programme aims to help at least 100 new communities to identify important local issues and develop community action plans.

The First Steps programme is designed to give small community groups the freedom to develop action plans to improve their neighbourhood.

There is a grant available to you of £2,500, which is to help you complete a community action plan.
The money is intended to be used for the following kinds of spend:
• Meeting spaces and refreshments
• Publicity materials and printing
• Volunteer expenses e.g. travel, childcare or food
• Paying someone from a community organisation to help you write your plan
• Other kinds of expenditure that might help with consultation and community engagement activities e.g. prizes, pens, paper, ink and so on.

First Steps areas will receive support to decide upon practical actions to make positive changes in their community. The programme offers 115 communities the opportunity to work together to decide what they do and don’t like, and what can be changed.

It is aimed at communities that are just starting along the path of community action and need a different kind of support.

The grants and support are designed to support at least 115 neighbourhoods to develop Community Action Plans to address local issues by March 2016.

For further information and to apply, visit: