The Fore’s Autumn 2024 Funding Round

The Fore’s Autumn 2024 Funding Round offers unrestricted grants to help small charities and social enterprises grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient.

Successful applicants will receive:

  • A grant of up to £30,000 of unrestricted funding spread over 1 to 3 years
  • Access to free, highly skilled support provided by experienced professionals
  • Access to our programme of workshops, covering areas such as fundraising, communications, finance, strategy and more
  • A fully funded place on an impact measurement course
  • Access to peer networking opportunities

Who is eligible to apply?
All UK registered charities, CIOs, CICs limited by guarantee and CBSs with an annual income of under £500,000 are welcome to apply. To check your eligibility, take a quiz here

Grants should create a step change for your organisation. What do you need to get to the next stage of your development? The grant might help your organisation to grow, increase your staff capacity, become more sustainable or make your systems more efficient.

How to apply:

  • You will need to register your interest in applying. Registration will be open for one week from 12pm on 24 July to 12pm on 31 July 2024. During this time, register your interest on the Apply for Funding webpage
  • On 1 August 2024, all registered applicants will receive confirmation of whether they have been allocated a place on the funding round along with details of how to apply. If there are more applicants registered than places available, places will be allocated at random.
  • Once you have received confirmation of your place on the funding round, write your application before the deadline of 5pm on 9 September 2024.

If you have any questions email: [email protected]