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The free CRB Checking Service is coming to an end

27 Sep 2013 - 12:08 by michelle.foster

DBS Manchester at the Gaddum Centre are to end the free DBS checking service currently being offered to referred organisations through Volunteer Centre Manchester. To date they have provided over a years’ worth of free DBS checks to qualifying organisations. However, due to funding coming to an end, they can no longer offer the free service.

From October 1, 2013, charges will be as follows:

Volunteer checks £10
Non-Volunteer £15 (plus DBS certificate charges)
ID check £10

We believe this still represents good value for money and DBS Manchester at The Gaddum Centre will, however, continue to train and advise customers on how to complete the application forms and conduct identity checks.

Don't forget to get your DBS applications in by 30th September to qualify for the free checking service.

For further information, visit: www.dbsmanchester.co.uk

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