Free HR and Employment Law Service

Direct Law & PersonnelDirect Law and Personnel have been funded to provide a free HR and Employment law service for management or in-house HR staff of charities, social enterprises and not for profits in the UK to help keep employer organisations safe and protected.

The Service
The service will support and direct organisations towards safe and commercial HR success, removing risk associated with employee terminations, cultures, policies and bad processes and to ensure management decisions take account of relevant employment laws. Examples of the kind of support that can be provided are:

  • assistance with employment law
  • someone to discuss HR strategy with
  • someone to run HR related letters past
  • keep organisations up to date with employment law

Support will be delivered via a helpline and a small dedicated team to ensure that advice remians consistent (clients will usually keep the same advisor). Advise is both commercial and legal and is unlimited for one year.

The Criteria
This service is fully funded for 100 UK based charities, social enterprises or not for profits with between 10 and 50 employees.  Organisations may have an internal HR function or someone with responsiblity for HR.

To Apply
Those interested should apply by email to [email protected] and provide their name, organisation name, website, number of employees, turnover and a brief summary (not more than 200 words) of any current or immediate issues (i.e. why you need the service). 

Closing date for applications: 17 October 2019