Want to save money and produce extra income but lacking an idea or skill? Always wanted to learn how to sew but never seemed to have the chance? Living in an Affinity Sutton residence or in Gorton? This is the course for you.
Affinity Sutton and Stitched Up have teamed up to bring you 6-weeks of free workshops teaching essential sewing skills to Affinity Sutton residents and anyone living in and around the Gorton area.
The course will teach everything from how to use a sewing machine and create sewn homeware items, to repairing and making clothes alterations.
The Sew and Save sessions will be held from 12.30pm-3pm every Tuesday at Sunny Brow Lounge (near Sacred Heart Roman Church) starting 19 September 2017.
If you’d like to know more about the events, sign up or would like to volunteer, you can contact the team at Stitched Up on 0161 881 7141 or email: [email protected].
The course can also be found on Facebook here: www.facebook.com/events/120749238552612/