Friends of the Fallowfield Loop - Getting people out of their cars

“We aim to encourage as many people as possible to use the Fallowfield Loop and get people out of their cars, both for the environment and for their wellbeing!”
David - Friends of the Fallowfield Loop.

Friends of the Fallowfield Loop is made up of 100 members, of whom around 30 are regular volunteers, working in partnership with Sustrans and the National Cycling Network to maintain Fallowfield Loop and encourage more use by making it as attractive and easy to access for everyone as possible! This has included a long campaign to remove barriers along the path, which now means that disabled access has greatly improved and bikes of all shapes and sizes can enjoy the route.

To support their aim of raising awareness, the group have regular information stalls in different locations along the 10km loop. Currently, the group estimate that around 400 people at least use the loop every day during spring, summer and autumn. The group have also created an information leaflet that has been distributed to all the houses backing on to the loop and they were surprised how many people who live locally to the loop didn’t even know it existed!

Along with twice-monthly path maintenance and improvement sessions, there are organised litter picks and the group has cleared an overgrown area that has now become a well-used park for young people and the venue for the HandleBards, a troupe of Shakespearean players who have performed at the Quadrants in Levensulme.

Today the group of volunteers were clearing one of the loop’s three orchards so that it is more accessible and to ensure the fruit trees can continue to thrive. Whilst talking to the group, it became clear that their work doesn’t just have a positive impact on the community, it also has a positive impact on the volunteers involved.

To find out more information about the group and the Fallowfield Loop, you can visit:
