Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund 2016/17

The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund helps small, local community groups and charities by donating cash awards to support warm hearted people and projects. The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund is now in its sixth year and has helped to support more than 150,000 people through its campaigns. Galaxy Hot Chocolate

From 7 November 2016 until 26 February 2017, The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund are seeking to award a total of seventy, £300 donations to help community groups and people across UK and Ireland.

There will be five winners a week across 14 weeks, with 70 winners in total. Five donations will be awarded each week, four by our panel of judges and one through the People’s Choice award to the organisation with the most weekly votes.

Community groups, school groups and charity organisations in the UK and Ireland can enter.

The winners are selected on Monday each week. Entries and votes are taken up to 11:59pm each Sunday.

Outstanding Volunteer Award
The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund are also casting a spotlight on the unsung heroes within organisations through the ‘Outstanding Volunteer Award’. Giving you the chance to nominate someone whose level of commitment and help makes them a truly outstanding volunteer. Every week that the fund runs, a winner will be chosen by national volunteer organisation NCVO to receive a ‘Galaxy Hot Chocolate Hamper’.

For further information and to enter, visit: