Get involved – Become a History Maker

history makersIf you love Greater Manchester and want to help make it the first city region in the world to be smokefree, why not become a History Maker?

What is a History Maker?
A History Maker is an advocate for a smokefree Greater Manchester. They support the city region having more smokefree spaces, events and stop smoking campaigns. History Makers come from all walks of life. Anyone can be a History Maker regardless of whether they’ve ever smoked themselves. A History Maker is proud to be part of Greater Manchester and wants to make it even better.

What do I need?
To become a History Maker, you don’t need any special skills or experience; just a passion for helping to improve the lives of the people living and working in Greater Manchester.

How much time do I need to commit?
Signing up as a History Maker allows you to commit as much or as little of your time as you are willing and able.

How can I get involved?
You can get involved in a number of different ways:

  • Tell your friends and family about why it’s important to make smoking history, and get them involved too.
  • Share the campaign’s messages by distributing leaflets, putting up posters or posting messages to your social media pages.
  • Lobby local MPs for their support in making spaces smokefree
  • Support local smokefree events or make your own events smokefree

For more information and to get involve click here