Get Involved in Silver Sunday 2014

Silver Sunday, on 5 October 2014, is an annual day of free activities and events for older people across the UK. It aims to celebrate the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities and to combat the loneliness which affects many older people. A recent survey announced that 2/5 of older people regard their TV as their main form of company and Silver Sunday’s goal is to reach out to these isolated members of the community.

The organisers of Silver Sunday invite you to take part by organising and hosting an event for older people. It can be anything you want as long as it’s for older people and it’s free.

2013 saw many events in support of this cause right across the UK; from a matinee at The Royal Albert Hall to chair zumba and they are looking to significantly expand this year when Silver Sunday returns on 5 October 2014. Anything you could do to bring people together on the Sunday would help to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst older people in your community.

How to get involved
1. Decide on an event: Dance lessons, museum tour, or a coffee morning – your Silver Sunday event can be anything, anywhere, just so long as it brings older residents together. So get creative. Previous events have ranged from tea dances, to computer lessons, to dance classes. Or just invite neighbours round for a cup of tea and cake – anything to celebrate and involve older people
2. Find a venue: The world is your oyster! But if you’re struggling to find an appropriate location try contacting your local community centre, library or council
3. Submit your event: Large or small, near or far, Silver Sunday wants to hear about your plans. Submit your event here and it will be promoted on the website
4. Get the word out: Whether it’s putting up posters, contacting your local council, promoting it online, or good old fashioned word of mouth, spreading the message will help make your Silver Sunday a success. The Silver Sunday team will also offer support through promotional materials and liaising with local media to help promote your event.

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate older people and to get involved in the community.

If you would like to discuss ideas or register your interest in holding an event, visit:, or contact the Silver Sunday team on 0207 6415294 or email: [email protected]