GiveMe5 Campaign – 29 November and 16 December 2016

To celebrate #GivingTuesday on the 29 November and the newly announced Local Charities Day on the 16 December, Local Giving are running two festive #GiveMe5 campaigns to encourage everyone to support a local charity and give something back to their communities.

Each campaign will match 1,000 x £5 donations made during each 24 hour period. As with all #GiveMe5 campaigns, successful donations will be chosen at random the following day and charities and donors will be informed if their donation has been matched.

Help spread the word using the hashtag #GiveMe5 to become part of a movement to help raise awareness of the hundreds of thousands of vital, yet underrepresented local charities in the UK.

Key facts for the next #GiveMe5:
• Start date and time: Tuesday 29 November at 00:00:00
• End date and time: Tuesday 29 November at 23:59:59
• Conditions of entry: Each £5 donation made to a participating charity through Localgiving between the promotion start and end times will be placed into a draw to be doubled by an extra £5 of match funding. Donations of other amounts will not be included in the draw. The promotion only applies to one-time donations.
• Number of donations matched: 1,000 x £5 donations will be matched as part of this promotion.
• Charity and supporter limits: Donors may make as many £5 donations during the promotion as they wish and there is no limit to the amount of match funding any single group may receive.

For further information, visit: