Global Fund for Women invests in women's groups that advance the human rights of women and girls and strengthen’s women-led groups based outside the United States by providing grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 per year for operating and project expenses.
First-time grant awards generally range from $5,000 to $13,000 per year. We value local expertise and believe that women themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change.
Funding is available for work in the following areas:
• Zero Violence - to end gender based violence. Funding for women’s and girls’ participation, empowerment, and peace building while challenging laws, policies, cultures and behaviour that perpetuates discrimination, violence and abuse.
• Economic and Political Empowerment - all women are economically secure and independent and are supported by policies ensuring women’s and girls’ equal rights to resources, livelihoods and political voice. The Fund supports advocacy for economic and legal reform and women’s equal participation in local and national elections and economies, as well as democracy movements and efforts to secure land, labour and property rights.
• Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights - all women and girls are free to make their own reproductive and sexual choices. Sexual and reproductive health services and information are readily available. The Fund supports campaigns, service delivery, advocacy and education to influence attitudes and achieve policy change that secures women’s and girls’ full access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The following types of grants are available:
• General Support Grants - flexible grants to cover general operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, salaries, or equipment, as well as project expenses
• Travel Grants - small grants that allow members of an organisation to attend conferences and events
• Organising Meeting/Event Grants - small grants to support organisations planning a time-sensitive conference or event
To be eligible to apply, organisations must meet all of the following criteria:
• Be a group of women working together
• Demonstrate a clear commitment to women’s equality and women’s human rights, and have these goals clearly reflected in all activities
• Be governed, directed and led by women
• Be based outside of the United States
Women-focused projects within mixed-gender organisations may occasionally receive support from the Global Fund if they work with particularly marginalised groups; for example, women within groups of people with disabilities or women within LGBTQI organisations.
For further information and to apply, visit:
Deadline: Sunday 31 January 2016