GM Moving – a chance for local people to get involved in the campaign

GM Moving are launching a campaign to get the population of Greater Manchester moving more. They want to be the first 'active' city in the UK and are trying to show people that there is a lot of benefit in moving for just 30 minutes a day as part of your daily routine. GM Moving

The ads need to feature real people on real life situations and this is where they need your help. The team at GM Moving need people who are in the following groups:

  • 16-18 year olds
  • parents of 5-15 year olds
  • adults who do not have a paid job (this can be carers, those unemployed, stay at home parents etc.)
  • adults with long term health conditions

The photoshoot will take place from 29 July between Monday and Friday for three weeks but only needs two hours of your time in this period. To get involved email: [email protected] with the following information:

  • name
  • age
  • address
  • which of the above categories you are in
  • your ethnicity
  • if you have a long term health condition what it is (this is so they can ensure that the photoshoot is catered for your condition)

You will be given a small fee for appearing in the ad, the photoshoot will last for two hours and they will look to use a location as close to where you live as possible. The ad may appear on posters around Greater Manchester, on the internet or even on the back of bus tickets. It is also a really fun experience to see how the ads are made.