GM Walking grants

Greater Manchester WlakingBetween November 2019 and June 2020 GMCVO will be giving out a total of £225,000 in grants to VCSE organisations to get Greater Manchester Walking.

The grants are funded by Greater Manchester Moving who have received funding from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership to support as many people as possible to walk regularly. They want to create a network of people and organisations who promote and support walking in creative ways.

Small grants from £50 to £1,000 are available for voluntary and community groups and social enterprises to encourage people who are usually less active to get out and start walking, or increase the amount they walk.

In January GMCVO will also be launching medium grants of £1,000 to £5,000 as well as partnership grants of up to £15,000. Groups can apply for more than one grant.

If you want to apply for a grant you will need to fill in a short online application form with information about your organisation, what you would like to do, what you would spend the funding on and who will benefit from your project.

Grants will be awarded on an ongoing basis with a decision usually given within three weeks.

Click here for more information and to apply