GMP and MCC advice for residents on the English Defence League Demonstration – 7 March 2015

Information from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Manchester City Council (MCC):

The English Defence League (EDL) is an organisation which focuses on opposition to what it considers to be a spread of Islamism and Sharia in the United Kingdom. It has held a number of protests across the country and has faced confrontations with various groups, including Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and the police. Previously there has been considerable disorder at other demonstration sites.

The EDL is planning to hold a demonstration in Manchester on Saturday 7th March

Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police are working in partnership to ensure that the demonstration causes minimum disruption. Together we will work to prevent unlawful behaviour and enforce the law to ensure the types of scenes that have been witnessed elsewhere are not repeated here.

Manchester is a diverse and welcoming city and we are justifiable proud of our track record and international reputation which has been built through promoting and investing in our diverse communities. We will not let the actions of a small minority divide us and will remain united as communities in welcoming people to our city regardless of their background.

Advice for residents from Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council
• The city is open for business as usual, although we do accept that there could be some disruption.
• We urge you to ignore all elements of this protest.
• We would reassure you that violence will not be tolerated and action will be taken against anyone who breaks the law
• The police are there to prevent disorder and ensure everyone in our community is protected.
• We urge the community not to take the law unto their own hands.
• Anyone who is subjected to any kind of abuse or violence should report it to police immediately.
• We have a zero tolerance approach to hate crime in Manchester and we actively encourage people to report any incidents of hate by calling Greater Manchester Police on 101 or online via the True Vision website at

In an emergency, always dial 999. If you want to report something to police, but it is not an emergency, call 101.”