Google Digital Garage

Manchester City Council are really proud to be able to announce that web giant Google has chosen Manchester's Central Library as the next venue for their 'Google Garage'. This will provide free, in-person digital skills training, from everyday experts, right here in Manchester.

The Digital Garage is the place where anyone can come to give themselves a digital tune-up -- to pick up the skills they need to make the most of the web, and grow their business or career.

The Digital Garage in Manchester will provide free, in-person digital skills training from the experts, delivered through regular masterclass seminars and 1:1 mentoring sessions.

It will also host bespoke training events for charities, computer science education sessions for local students and teachers, and a range of further events in partnership with local organisations.

No matter your digital skill level, the Google Garage can give advice to use the web to grow a business, career prospects or even just confidence. The Digital Garage is based in Manchester Central Library from 1 December until the end of March 2016.

Can't make it into the library? You can create your own personalised learning plan online, and benefit from Google’s in-depth training, wherever you are.

To find out more about Digital Garage in Manchester, visit:
Register for online learning courses, at: