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Google Global Impact Awards

25 Mar 2013 - 13:44 by michelle.foster

How would you use technology to change the world?

If you are a British non-profit, Google are inviting you to tell them how you would use innovation to tackle the world’s toughest problems and transform lives.

Applicants are invited to submit a technology-based project that has the potential to change society on a large scale. Google will review your projects based on three criteria:

1. How you will use technology and innovation to make the world a better place.
Is it creative and data-driven? Google are looking for projects that use technology to solve a specific social issue on a grand scale.

2. How you will implement the Global Impact Award.
Is the project feasible and realistic? Is it rooted in research that identifies the size of the problem and how the proposed idea will help solve it? Does the roadmap explain what challenges might stand in the way and how they will be overcome?

3. How your team will execute your plan immediately and successfully.
Google are looking for signals that your team is poised for success. Do you have partners and collaborators? Does your team have a strong track record?
Google will announce the finalists in May 2013. The public can then vote for their favourite projects.

Each finalist will pitch its concept in early June to a panel of judges including Sir Richard Branson, Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Jilly Forster.

Four winners, including the organisation with the most public votes, will each receive a £500,000 Global Impact Award, as well as technical assistance from Googlers to help make their project a reality.

For further information and to apply, visit: http://globalimpactchallenge.withgoogle.com/  

Deadline: Wednesday 17 April 2013

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