The Granada Foundation – next deadline 25 March 2015

The Granada Foundation was established in 1965 to encourage the study and appreciation of the fine arts and sciences and to promote education, with a particular interest in activity in the North West of England.

The Foundation wishes to encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of the fine arts, including drawing, architecture and landscape architecture, sculpture, literature, music, opera, drama, cinema, and the methods and means of their dissemination.

The Foundation also welcomes applications which aim to engage and inspire young people and adults to take an interest in science.

In general, the Council looks for imaginative proposals from organisations (preferably with charity status) which will in some way make the north-west a richer and more attractive place in which to live and work.

There is a clear preference for new projects. Although the Foundation will support festivals and other annual events, it is on the understanding that such support should not be regarded as automatically renewable.

Prospective applicants are advised, in the first instance, to provide a brief outline of the project for which funding is sought by completing a short enquiry form or by telephoning the Administrator for an informal discussion, on 01244 661867.

If an application falls outside the Foundation’s scope, a reply to that effect will be sent. If the application is to proceed then an application form will be sent in time for consideration at the next available meeting.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 01244 661 867, or email: [email protected]

The deadline for the return of full second stage applications is: Wednesday 25 March 2015.