The victim/survivor recovery programme is being funding in the context of two key programmes – the Freedom Programme and Moving On Programme – that are currently delivered to empower victims/survivors and help them to understand and move on from their experiences.
The Freedom Programme is an established 12 week programme for victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse that was created by Pat Craven based on her work with perpetrators of DV&A. The programme is primarily for women victims/survivors as research shows that women are more likely to be victims of DV&A than males.
The programme examines the impact of DV&A on victims/survivors, including the behaviours common in perpetrators. Key aims of the programme are to:
• build self confidence and esteem, including assertiveness skills
• demonstrate the impact of DV&A on children
• help women to identify potential abusers
• help women to understand the beliefs held by perpetrators
In Manchester the Freedom Programme has been developed into the Moving On Programme, which was designed to help women to understand behavioural patterns and triggers of abusive partners and the impact that DV&A has had on them. The programme also covers areas such as safeguarding and confidence building.
Currently victim/survivor programmes are offered to high risk victims who are often in refuge settings. These programmes are also aimed primarily at women and work to a typology of DV&A that views it as a product of coercion and control.
The successful applicant will be expected to create a programme that reflects the ethos of Freedom Programme and Moving On Programme by empowering victims/survivors to move on with their lives, understand and deal with their previous experiences, and harness their inner resources and skills. We welcome programmes that are delivered in non-traditional ways.
The programme will need to work with the following groups of people:
• Female victims/survivors
• Male victims/survivors
• LGBT victims/survivors
• Victims/survivors remaining in relationships
• Young victims/survivors 16-18
• Older victims/survivors
The full funding of £83,000 will be awarded to one successful applicant to provide a recovery programme for victims/survivors. The programme will need to work with a variety of different sections of the population in community settings.
The successful applicant will be expected to develop and deliver the recovery programme between July 2015 and April 2016.
Applications are welcomed from groups working in partnership.
For further information, contact Kristian Dodsworth, on 0161 234 1532 or email: [email protected]
Deadline: Friday 26 June 2015, 4pm