Grant to support street based services for rough sleepers

Manchester’s Community Safety Partnership will award £20,000 to be used to co-ordinate and improve the delivery of safe and effective street based services to rough sleepers in the City of Manchester. These street based services provide a range of support to rough sleepers in the City, which include, but is not limited to the provision of:
• Food
• Clothes
• Tents
• Sleeping bags

There is a maximum of £20,000 available for one successful applicant. Applications are welcomed from groups working together in a partnership with one organisation acting as the lead, accountable organisation.

This is a one-off grant and it is expected that it will fund initiatives and activities that have a long term impact beyond the end of the grant period.

Grant applications must meet the following objectives:
1. Street based services are well run and take a consistent approach, developing and establishing agreed best practice principles or minimum standards around certain functions such as:
• Volunteer recruitment and role
• Safe working, including safeguarding and assessing risk
• Training

2. Street based services are better co-ordinated, and better connected with other homeless services including day centres and outreach; with statutory services such as the police and Children and Adult Safeguarding; and with health care services.

3. Street based services can demonstrate that people with experience of homelessness have a voice and involvement in the design and delivery of services aimed at helping them.

To be eligible for the grant your organisation must:
• Have a constitution
• Be based in Manchester and accountable to the community that you are predominantly delivering services to
• Be a not-for-profit organisation – this includes voluntary, community and faith organisations, co-operatives and mutual societies, non-governmental organisations which are value driven and which principally invest their surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives
• Be representative and inclusive of the community you are intending to work with

For further information, contact Kristian Dodsworth, on 0161 234 1532, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 23 September 2016, 16:00