Manchester’s Community Safety Partnership will award £50,000 to be used to support delivery of the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan which focuses on keeping people safe, reducing harm and strengthen communities.
It is to be used to target some of the challenges faced from crime and anti-social behaviour in the city centre in the day and at night time.
This is a pilot approach from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to understand how it works and will determine future arrangements.
The purpose of this allocation of funding is for VCS organisations to deliver activities or projects that will support the work of Manchester City Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour and Rough Sleeper Teams, Greater Manchester Police and other partner agencies in the city to improve safety for residents, businesses and visitors to the city. Applications are welcome from groups who are Manchester based, and groups working together in a partnership with one organisation acting as the lead, accountable organisation.
Ideas are welcomed about what would help improve safety, crime prevention, protect vulnerable people and engage people in the city centre.
Grant applications must meet the following objectives
• To keep people safe – for those who live, work, socialise and travel in Greater Manchester, as well as protecting those who are vulnerable
• To reduce harm and offending – preventing anti-social and criminal behaviour by intervening earlier and rehabilitating offenders
• To strengthen communities and places – by helping to build resilient communities and strengthening the delivery of public assets
The objectives of the programme are informed directly by the ‘Our Manchester Strategy’ and the ‘we will’ commitment of working with the voluntary and community sector to find new ways of reaching communities.
There is a maximum amount of £50,000 available in total, each group can bid for a maximum of up to £20,000 for successful applicants to spend on meeting the objectives set out in the prospectus.
Completed application forms should be emailed to: [email protected]
For further information, contact Mick Stacey on 0161 234 3373, or email: [email protected]
Deadline: 6 August 2018, 12:00 midday