Great Spaces: Northmoor Retail Units

great places housing groupGreat Spaces Northmoor retail spaces are part of an iconic, Grade II listed building in the heart of Northmoor. The building has three retail units, 19 residential apartments, and the much-loved Northmoor Community Centre.

The building has recently been refurbished in order to restore most of the stunning original features of the space. The refurbishment took around six months, seeing significant improvements made to the shops.

What do Great Places Housing Group want to see in the building?
Great Places Housing Group are open to suggestions! Great Places Housing Group want to hear what you think would benefit the local community, and what you can bring to the table. Great Places Housing Group do however have some criteria that will help them to review any ideas submitted:

Benefits the Northmoor Community
This could be through creating new jobs, new services that meet a current or future need, using spaces in ways that inspire the local community. Great Places Housing Group will consider supporting ideas that deliver a strong benefit to the area by, for example, asking for less than the guide price for the space, this will be decided on a case by case basis.

Supported by a sustainable business plan
Is your idea deliverable? Great Places Housing Group want to be sure the retail units will be well used, and your proposition can generate sufficient funding to sustain it in the future.

Challenge the parameters
You will need to have a clear idea of what you want to do in the space and be able to fund it yourself.  You may want to propose a straight-forward rental agreement with Great Places Housing Group, or something more original. Feel free to challenge the parameters too – Great Places Housing Group are open to all ideas. All proposals are subject to surveys, feasibility and contracts – at this stage Great Places Housing Group just want the bones of a plan.

If you would like more information regarding length of lease or rent amount, email: [email protected]

Shop measurements
89 Northmoor – 113.08m² (This includes back of house areas). Floor to ceiling height in main shop area 3.787m

91 Northmoor – 104.14m² (This includes back of house areas and cellar). Floor to ceiling height in main shop area 3.610m.

For more information click here

Deadline: 18 July 2021