Greater Manchester Local Care Approach Survey

As you may know, across Greater Manchester the NHS, local government and partners have been coming together to work differently. The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) would like to know what you think about these changes and how they are affecting you.

Key changes have included working together to:

  • Create a single shared plan for health and social care in each locality
  • Establish a Local Care Organisation to organise the delivery of care in each Locality
  • Improve the way we commission services collaboratively
  • Invest in the transformation of a range of services

To help the GMHSCP better understand your experience of these changes, give your views in this short survey

The survey is for everyone whose works helps to provide health or social care in Greater Manchester, whether you work directly with our citizens or if you provide support in another way.

By completing the survey, you will help the GMHSCP to know where they are doing well and where they need to do better. This survey will be completed by colleagues working throughout the health and social care workforce across Greater Manchester, so it will also help them know how they are performing alongside other areas across GM.

The survey is anonymous and the results will be analysed by a group of four independent organisations who make up the evaluation team, Cordis Bright, PPL, Cobic and Traverse.

If you have any questions about the survey or how its findings will be used, contact Julie Ireland from Cordis Bright on 020 7330 9170, or email: [email protected]

The survey closes on 20 March 2020