Greater Manchester Police – could you offer to host student police officers?

Greater Manchester Police are looking for community placements to host student officers as part of their learning and development programme.

This is a community-based project that looks at the working relationship, trust and confidence between the police and various community groups and partner agencies. Student officers will work on utilising and improving their communication skills, interacting with partner agencies and community groups and gaining an insight into how the Police work with other agencies and how the community at large affects policing on a local level.

Community engagement is an essential part of the new recruit training programme. It is important that our officers see the huge amount of good work that is being done in Greater Manchester to help a wide range of people, particularly some of the most vulnerable in society.

We are essentially looking for organisations and voluntary groups/community groups who can take 2-4 students on a 3.5 day placement.

The overall objectives of the placement are for the officers to:

  • Identify support and/or community groups that exist to help the individual.
  • Explore issues that may be experienced by the individual and/or group.
  • Explore the relationship between the individual and/or the group and the police.
  • Give examples of how the relationship works well.
  • Identify areas where improved police support can benefit the relationship and levels of public confidence.

The officers attending are not in uniform and are there to research the above and improve their communication skills in a setting that is likely to be less familiar. They can, where feasible and permissible, also help out. In turn they may be able to answer questions from those delivering or receiving the services of the organisation/group.

At the end of the placement the students return to us and put together a 20 minute presentation that they will deliver to their peers, training staff and, wherever possible, representatives of the organisations where the students have been. By doing this the students share their experiences and learn from each other and it promotes the work of the organisations and the services they offer. So far we have found the whole experience has been a positive one.

The date for this placement would be Monday 3rd February 2014 and be for a total of 3.5 days or 28 hours.

If you could offer a placement or interested in finding out further information please contact:
PS 02517 Clive Hartley
IPLDP Manager
Uniform Training
Organisational Learning and Workforce Development (OLWD)
Sedgley Park
M25 0JT

Tel: 0161 856 0603
Email: [email protected]